15 Awesome Beard Styles to Try This Year
Ready to try something new with your beard this year? Whether you’re looking for something trendy or simply want to mix up your style, we’ve got you covered. From the rugged man bun look to the stylish hipster beard, these 15 styles will have you looking sharp all year long. So what are you waiting for? Start experimenting today!
The Bandholz
This is a full, thick beard that is allowed to grow to its full potential. It gets its name from Eric Bandholz, the founder of Beardbrand. To achieve this look, simply stop shaving and let your beard grow out for 4-6 months. Once it has reached the desired length, you can then begin to shape it with a trimmer.
The Garibaldi
Named after an Italian general who had a similarly impressive beard, the Garibaldi is another all-natural style. This look involves growing out your beard to its fullest potential and then shaping it into a rounded bottomed triangle. Like the Bandholz, this style will take 4-6 months of growth before it can be achieved.
The Verdi
This style is similar to the Garibaldi, but with a few key differences. First, the beard is allowed to grow out to a longer length. Second, the bottom of the beard is not shaped into a triangle, but rather left square or rounded. Lastly, the mustache is usually styled in a classic handlebar fashion.
The Anchor
The anchor beard gets its name from its shape, which resembles that of an anchor. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your facial hair to medium length and then shave everything except for a thin strip running along your jawline. This strip should then be connected to your mustache.
The Chevron
The chevron is another classic style that has been around for centuries. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your mustache to medium length and then shave everything except for a thin strip running along your upper lip. This strip should then be connected to your beard.
The Balbo
Named after an Italian air force general, the Balbo is a unique facial hair style that combines elements of the anchor and the chevron. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your facial hair to medium length and then shave everything except for a thin strip running along your jawline and another strip running along your upper lip. These two strips should then be connected.
The Ducktail
The ducktail is a style that was popularized in the 1950s by James Dean and Marlon Brando. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your beard to medium length and then trim it into a point at the bottom center of your chin. The sides of your beard should then be tapered so that they are shorter than the center.
The Circle Beard
The circle beard is a simple style that combines a goatee with a mustache. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your facial hair to medium length and then shave everything except for a circle around your mouth. This circle should then be connected to your mustache.
The Handlebar
The handlebar mustache is a classic style that has been around for centuries. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your mustache to medium length and then curl the ends using a wax or pomade. The resulting “handlebars” should then be combed upward and outward.
The Horseshoe
The horseshoe mustache is similar to the handlebar, but with the addition of a goatee. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your facial hair to medium length and then shave everything except for a horseshoe-shaped strip around your mouth. This strip should then be connected to your beard.
The petite goatee is a small goatee that is worn in the center of the chin. To achieve this look, you will need to shave everything except for a small strip in the center of your chin. This strip should then be connected to your mustache.
The Van Dyke
The Van Dyke is a style that combines a goatee with a mustache. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your facial hair to medium length and then shave everything except for a thin strip running along your jawline and another strip running along your upper lip. These two strips should then be connected.
The royal beard is a style that was made popular by King Charles I of England. To achieve this look, you will need to grow out your beard to medium length and then shave everything except for a thin strip running along your jawline. This strip should then be connected to your mustache.
The Full Beard
The full beard is the most popular facial hair style in the world. To achieve this look, you will need to let your facial hair grow out to its full potential. Once it has reached its desired length, you can then shape it however you see fit.
The Goatee
The goatee beard is a facial hair style that has been around for centuries. Though the style has waxed and waned in popularity, it has always been seen as a sign of masculinity. Today, the goatee is once again gaining popularity, as more men are looking for ways to express their individuality. The goatee can be worn in a number of different ways, from a neatly trimmed line along the jaw to a full and bushy beard. Whether you're looking to make a statement or simply want to try something new, the goatee beard is definitely worth considering.

Whether you’re growing a beard for the first time or just looking to switch up your style, we hope this list of 15 awesome beard styles has given you some inspiration. Be sure to let us know which look is your favorite in the comments below. And if you decide to try out any of these styles, be sure to send us a photo! We’d love to see how they turn out.
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